Keyboard Result Entry Now Available for OTB Tournaments

Introducing manual result entry: quickly input over-the-board tournament results using your keyboard for faster and more efficient record-keeping.
New interface and workflows for playing and managing online games.
Run any Event from your phone on Tornelo.
Introducing a User-Friendly Interface for Seamless Event Organization and Unmatched User Experience
Collecting entry fees for Team events has never been easier! New features for Team Payments.
Divide and conquer. Add Deputy Arbiters to specific Sections and delegate responsibilites exactly as you want.
Use NZCF Rating list and download a NZCF Rating Report!
Tornelo is free to use – you can even pass your Entry fee processing fees to players.
Players can stop their games and call the Arbiter. The Arbiter gets notified in style!
Arbiter menu bar has all actions, options and shortcuts needed to manage your tournaments.
Arbiters can now add custom questions to their Registration process on Tornelo.
Even Arbiters can mouse-slip! Learn more about new features designed to make your life easier.
Comprehensive financial report and an efficient process for managing payments is an essential feature for a tournament management system.
Collect registration fees from players through Tornelo with your PayPal account directly into the pairing program.
Scheveningen pairings, team buchholz by match or game scores and take iDEAL payments.
Collect registrations from players into events easily and effectively with the new Tornelo registration process.
Making it easier for players to join an online tournament – no account needed! Preview our scoresheet app and let players download personalised certificates after every tournament!
Limburg Open with 450 players chose Tornelo cloud-based management system and was able to start the 1st round in record time!
You can now print all your tournament data, nicely formatted by using our new Print button!
We released a little early this week because we were just too excited to make …
Today’s release was another Major Milestone with some significant changes and huge new features! There …
Player profiles, forbidden pairs and new look for Organizations Our release this week is mostly …
e-Boards for Hybrid chess tournaments or Broadcasting chess games live We provide an incredibly convenient …
This week you may have noticed some new options in your Tournament Settings, which will …
1. Feature: Restart a finished game Let’s imagine a game ended in a draw, or …
Some more minor updates this week as we finished the integration with the FIDE Rating …
Get ready for some major changes and very cool new features on Tornelo. In the …
This has been a challenging week for our users and I’d like to thank everyone …
The year is 2026, the Melbourne Chess Club annual club championships is starting in a …
1. Feature: Fair Play “smart cheating” mode The Fair Play report is designed to give …
Tornelo does something quite unique in the world of online chess platforms. We have the …
This month our focus was on speed! We are hosting the World Universities Online Chess …
Way back in August I was listening to Adam Raoof’s The Chess Circuit podcast and …
It’s been nearly 3 months since we last released changes to Tornelo, but you’re about …
A landmark announcement today with FIDE declaring that Hybrid Chess Tournaments (played online) will now …
It’s been another busy few weeks with some fairly major features to report, including our …
I was a little bit slack with my release notes (preparing to win FIDE selection …
Over the past decade Tornelo has been used to manage a wide variety of events; …
FIDE update their TRF File format as the agreed Data Exchange format for tournament results …
We have a number of small changes being released this weekend. Please take note! 1. …
I love discovering from our Organisers new ways that Tornelo is being used to run …
Or, The Commodity of Chess ​Fungible is one of my favourite words to say, it’s a …
There are lots of opportunities to play chess now that the entire world is online. …
Lots of bug-fixes this week on and tightening of our Privacy Features. The release is not yet …
There are some major changes planned for the latest Tornelo release (due to go live later today). Please …
Dear Arbiters, The release today is just for you! 1. Feature: Call Arbiter button All players will …

1. Sign up

2. Create Organization

3. Setup Your Event