One of our most loved features for online chess tournaments is our unique Arbiter call functionality.
Tornelo is an event management system with exactly the same functionality and processes, regardless of your event being over-the-board, hybrid or online. This provides arbiters and players in an online event, if not the same experience, an experience very close to that of an over-the-board event. We call this a “scheduled event” experience and it is much more valuable than an “on-demand” game of chess.
The Arbiter call functionality mirrors the real world, allowing players to stop their clock and call the Arbiter during a game. Arbiters can then chat with players to discover and resolve any problems. Arbiters also have easy functionality to change time on the clocks, take back moves, declare a result and even restart or resume a game after it has been finished.

New Arbiter call notification
When a player calls the arbiter a floating red Arbiter call icon appears in the bottom right corner of your screen along with a warning bell sound!
Clicking on the icon will show you a list of all the Arbiter calls that are waiting – in a large tournament there may be a number of players who are calling the Arbiter at the same time. The calls are conveniently grouped by section.

Click on any name to go to their game to start interacting with the player who called the Arbiter. Once the call is resolved, resume the game and when all your Arbiter calls are dealt with the icon will disappear.
Working on
- Support for Club memberships (collecting fees, validating membership for entry into tournaments)
- One click uploading tournament results to chess-results website
- Accepting payments per team rather than per player
As always, we’re keen to hear your feedback. How can we make your life as a chess tournament organiser, arbiter or TD, easier!
Kind regards,