Keizer Pairings
With Keizer you will ALWAYS find a legal pairing for your club events.

Scheveningen, tiebreaks and new payment methods
Scheveningen pairings, team buchholz by match or game scores and take iDEAL payments.

Tornelo is now Endorsed by FIDE
After 4+ months of rigorous testing by the World Chess Federation (FIDE), today Tornelo received official FIDE endorsement as a software pairing program / tournament manager.

Team matches, awarding trophies and re-rating tournaments
Today’s release was another Major Milestone with some significant changes and huge new features! There …

Restart a finished game, import pairings and custom rules on a single game
1. Feature: Restart a finished game Let’s imagine a game ended in a draw, or …

Major Changes: Release Notes 2021-05-31
Get ready for some major changes and very cool new features on Tornelo. In the …

Major Changes: Games now played in the lobby, display clocks on pairings, cancel games, flags, new variant and broadcast PGN
It’s been nearly 3 months since we last released changes to Tornelo, but you’re about …

Player import, PGN Import, take-me chess and round status (draft, published, live)
I was a little bit slack with my release notes (preparing to win FIDE selection …