Embed anything from Tornelo on your own website

We released a little early this week because we were just too excited to make this feature available for our users! You can now have your own live Tornelo widget on your website.

1. FEATURES: Embed Tornelo on Your website

You can now embed literally ANY Tornelo page on your own website. That’s right; player lists, standings, pairings, games and even upcoming events from your organisation page!

To embed anything, click on your user avatar (circle in top right corner) and select the menu Embed previewThis page will let you paste a Tornelo link, preview what your website visitors will see and with one click copy the iframe code to paste the live updates from Tornelo onto your own website.


This release also saw updates to the following:

  • Player awards and trophies
  • Teams are allocated automatic start numbers based on the average rating of the top players in their team
  • Team results displayed with both Game points and Match points
  • Team results (Match points) are automatically calculated from Game results
  • Improved Team list view
  • Team tie-breaks added

Working on

  • oAuth login with Facebook/Google/Apple etc
  • Printable for OTB events
  • Continued improvements to Team events

As always, we’re keen to hear your feedback, feature requests or bug reports.

Kind regards,

Founder & CEO

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