With Keizer you will ALWAYS find a legal pairing for your club events.
Scheveningen pairings, team buchholz by match or game scores and take iDEAL payments.
After 4+ months of rigorous testing by the World Chess Federation (FIDE), today Tornelo received official FIDE endorsement as a software pairing program / tournament manager.
Today’s release was another Major Milestone with some significant changes and huge new features! There …
1. Feature: Restart a finished game Let’s imagine a game ended in a draw, or …
Get ready for some major changes and very cool new features on Tornelo. In the …
It’s been nearly 3 months since we last released changes to Tornelo, but you’re about …
I was a little bit slack with my release notes (preparing to win FIDE selection …

1. Sign up

2. Create Organization

3. Setup Your Event