Arbiter tokens, scoresheet app and certificates

A bit of variety in our release this week with features for both online and OTB chess tournaments.

Feature: Personalised certificates for all your players

Players (and parents) love to get a certificate of participation after every event. The choices for arbiters are present some generic certificate to everyone, or spend a lot of time personalising each individual award. Not any more! 

Now you can download a beautifully designed certificate fully customised with all the details from the event. Perfect for your players to keep in their ‘brag book’ or attach to a resume!

Tornelo certificate of participation

The certificate includes player name, section, score and final ranking. It even has the arbiter’s name automatically added.

To find the certificate, go to the Standings page, click the … on the right side of the player’s line and Download Certificate. Players can also do this – you just need to remind them!

Feature: Ratings from Mexico

Federación Nacional de Ajedrez de México AC is the latest National Federation to include all their player ratings in Tornelo. This makes it easier for arbiters in Mexico to run OTB, Hybrid or Online events using their national ratings and database. As always you can search by ID or name.

Turn this on in the ratings settings for your event.

Feature: Scoresheet

If you don’t have a playing hall full of DGT boards to broadcast games and capture move data, what do you do?

FIDE recently approved the use of digital scoresheets on a tablet provided by the organiser. So if you can lay your hands on a few old iPads, or even buy some cheap tablets (around $75 each) then you too can be broadcasting your event live and capturing all the game data for PGN download later on.

Arbiters may notice the Scoresheet QR Code button – this is the shortcut to setting up your tablets as scoresheets. The app will be available in the Apple App Store soon!

Feature: Arbiter tokens

Arbiter tokens are now available in advance! This means you can distribute them well before the day of the event and players who do not yet have an account on Tornelo can still play.

Working on
  • oAuth login with Facebook
  • Accepting additional payment methods (PayPal etc)
  • Refining our new complex registration process

As always, we’re keen to hear your feedback, feature requests or bug reports.

Kind regards,


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1 year ago

Muy Bien Excelente-

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2. Create Organization

3. Setup Your Event