National Federation ratings integration

This week you may have noticed some new options in your Tournament Settings, which will be particularly useful if you are in The Netherlands, Belgium or The Philippines. And make you jealous if you aren’t.  🙂

1. Feature: External rating system profiles

Tornelo can now support the management of External Rating Systems, allowing search via ID or name from your local Federation rating list. This setting will add players to the event with their Federation rating, and not their Tornelo platform rating.

Right now we support only a single rating list per Federation (or FIDE). But in the near future we will be able to support standard, rapid, blitz, online or any number of different rating lists for each Federation.

The feature for a Federation rating list functions the same way as FIDE. Once the setting is saved then you will see a search by ID and all players will be displayed using their Federation name (characters, spelling etc).

If your Federation would like to have your rating list published inside Tornelo, please email [email protected] and we can arrange for this to happen.


  • Glicko2 rating system
  • Promoting events to help organizers attract more entries
  • New pairing program inside the Lobby

As always, we’re keen to hear your feedback, feature requests or bug reports.

Kind regards,


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Asaad Tawfeeq
Asaad Tawfeeq
3 years ago

Thank you, for the information and notes

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