Player list, upload entries via CSV and search by FIDE ID

Some more minor updates this week as we finished the integration with the FIDE Rating List. Expect to see some National Federation ratings showing up in Tornelo soon

1. Feature: Global player list

The new Player list is packed with features and good design!

  • Sortable table columns
  • Filters for common searches
  • See the entire event in a single list (including attendance)

We even added an action menu to each row. From this menu you can take player-related actions, including:

  • Link to Profile page
  • Withdraw or Block a player
  • Create a token for players who sign-in with the wrong email address

2. User interface: Switch-player moved to User menu

Users on a Tournament page will be able to clearly see which player they are “signed-in” as. Arbiter can now simply ask “what name do you see?” and if the name is missing or wrong, then we know the user needs to take some action.

If the player name is not what they want then the Switch active profile menu will let the user:

  • Add a new player
  • Change to use a different profile
  • Join as a spectator (or arbiter)
  • Use an arbiter token to claim an already entered player

3. Updated: Upload entries as CSV

You can now upload a CSV file with as little information as ONLY the FIDE ID of the players. To play online games we suggest the FIDE ID and the Email of the player, which will then also create a new account for that email if needed.

Importing a CSV now works into Multiple divisions. Just include the Division column and Division name in the data and you’ll be able to players to multiple divisions with a single import.

We now have full round-trip compatibility. Whatever you download from the CSV entries export, you can now re-upload via CSV import and all players will be updated!

4. Update: Releasing our new features

We improved our new feature release process. There may still be a 5 second disruption to players/games when updates are released, if there is a disruption then players will be automatically reconnected to their game within 5 minutes. Typically we aim for 1 release per week, Thursday between 10am – 11am, which gives minimal disruption to global users.

5. Add player form can search and add players via FIDE ID, player name or Tornelo profile.

The Add player form can be found in the Tournament Lobby, Standings. It is not available in the old pairing program.

6. Updates and improvements
  • Improved search functionality
  • Improve mobile layout for table views
  • Bug fixes in tables and email layout
  • Bug fixes on arbiter calls
  • Snap pieces to mouse when moving
  • Ability to remove the FIDE ID from a player
  • CSV Export updates
  • Displays count of number of rows visible in a table
  • 24 individual bug fixes and minor improvements

As always, we’re keen to hear your feedback, feature requests or bug reports.

Kind regards,

Founder & CEO

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Amelito Reyes
Amelito Reyes
3 years ago

Good morning Sir David, thank you for the updates.

3 years ago

Tornelo is getting better by the day!

1. Sign up

2. Create Organization

3. Setup Your Event