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Run Events on Tornelo
New to Tornelo? Get off to a flying start, learn how to create an account, setup an event, collect entries and do pairings.
Running a chess tournament online with Tornelo
How to run an online event
How to register for an Event?
Step by step guide to self-registration
How can I enter players into my Event?
Self-registration, adding players and CSV import.
TRFx File Format
Documentation of the FIDE Data Exchange Format, Tournament Report File (TRF16).
Import PGN files
For importing pairings and games.
Which registration type should I choose?
Register just yourself, your family members or whole teams of other players.
What pairing options can I use?
Swiss, Round Robin, Team battle and what else is there.
Using FIDE Rating List
Player names according to FIDE.
Understand the Event settings
Create an event and customise tournament settings.
How to setup tie-breaks?
What tie-breaks are available and how to set them properly.
Adding players with FIDE ID
Using FIDE names, ratings and data.
Verify your Organization
Get access to all Tornelo features.
Making premoves during a game
How can I make a move and not use any time with Premove?
e-Board integration
For Hybrid events or broadcasting Over-The-Board events.
Privacy options for events
Learn all about the levels of privacy for Events and Players.
Pairing a Round robin Event
All-play-all Round robin tournaments.
How to import CSV?
Upload all the players into Tornelo.
Creating a new account
Step by step instructions to create an account on Tornelo.
Using PlayerID to allow players to play a Live Event
What to do when a player is in the Lobby but unable to play?
Broadcasting live games using PGN files
Integration with external sites.
How to download TRF?
Upload or download FIDE Tournament report file.
What is an Organization?
For clubs, schools, associations, federations, arbiters or coaches to run a tournament.
Running a Teams Event
A guide for Organizers on how to set up a Teams Event.
Understanding Roles
Learn what each user role can do in Tornelo.
Hybrid Chess and Electronic Boards
Playing with DGT-e-Boards on Tornelo.
Finishing an event
What do I do at the end of a tournament?
Change or Edit pairings after a Round has been paired
Step by step guide on how to modify pairings after a round has been paired.
How to connect a User and a Player?
Linking a USER (email address) to a PLAYER PROFILE (Name in an event).
Running your first event
Getting started!
All about Clocks
Arbiter's guide to handling clocks on Tornelo.
How to create an Organization
All Events must belong to an Organization.
Delete an Event
How to Delete and tidy up unused tournaments.
Can I update player’s rating?
What is Tornelo rating and what ratings can I use for my Events?
Keeping the same URL for a new event
Managing the URLs for your tournaments.
How do I prevent siblings from playing against each other?
Using forbidden tags to influence the pairings
Restarting games that have ended
How to re-create a game that ended
How to print pairings?
A guide for Arbiters how to print pairings, standings and other lists.
Publish live results, games, and pairings
How to check live results and watch live games?
Enabling Annotations
Highlighting tools for streaming, coaching and broadcast.
How do I Skip players from future rounds?
Skipping rounds and Check-in options for Players and Arbiters.
Introduction to Tornelo (Video)
The basics of how to register, play or spectate Events.
Setting a custom Finish Date
How to submit for ratings on a date in the past.
Running a chess variant tournament
Chess 960, Take-me chess, Anything Goes Chess.
Clone an Event
Copy all the Settings and Event data.
How to Run a Private Event
Guide on how to organise an Event for selected players only.
Call to action button
Customise your Event Lobby
How to modify an invoice after payment has been made?
What to do when you need to charge more, but cannot add new line items