Accepting Team Payments
Collecting entry fees for Team events has never been easier! New features for Team Payments.

Playing online games without an account
Players can join their games using their secret PlayerID, no account is required anymore!

Deputy Arbiters
Divide and conquer. Add Deputy Arbiters to specific Sections and delegate responsibilites exactly as you want.

Keizer Pairings
With Keizer you will ALWAYS find a legal pairing for your club events.

User friendly tournament pairing program
Major changes in the Tournament Lobby released! Becoming more user-friendly by the day.

Supporting New Zealand Chess Federation rated events
Use NZCF Rating list and download a NZCF Rating Report!

Is Tornelo free?
Tornelo is free to use – you can even pass your Entry fee processing fees to players.

Arbiter call gets an upgrade
Players can stop their games and call the Arbiter. The Arbiter gets notified in style!

Our new Arbiter menu bar
Arbiter menu bar has all actions, options and shortcuts needed to manage your tournaments.

Custom questions on chess tournament registration forms
Arbiters can now add custom questions to their Registration process on Tornelo.