Tornelo Organizations
Every event is owned by an Organization.
Before you start running events on Tornelo, you need to built your own space where you can to do that, your own Organization. An Organization can be anything from your Club or School to Federation or any other Associaction or Company. Anyone who is interested in running chess events, anyone with a ‘brand’ of some sort! This Organization will own all the events run under it’s name.
It is your own page, where everybody can Enter your upcoming events, access results from the Previous ones and find your contact information.

Not every Organization has access to all features on Tornelo. To unlock some features, the Organization needs to got through the process of Verification by Tornelo. See more about what it means and how to become verified here.
Everybody can Browse through verified Organizatons by clicking on Organizations tab on the Community page or here.

Start an Organization
Click on the button New organization, or click Here, right now. For more detailed description see this article.
Every Organization has its own:
- Name
- Logo
- Colour
Afterwards you can Run your first Event.
Tip: Continue to Verify your Organization, read more here.