Fair play report (beta), new player messaging and organizations

The question on everyone’s mind is of course Fair Play / Cheating in chess. We’d love some feedback on this Beta feature, tell us how we can improve it.

1. Feature: Fair Play report (Beta)
There is too much to say about this in an email – check out my Blog Post if you are interested in reading more. The short instructions are:

  • Arbiters can click the Fair Play button to view a report
  • You may be prompted to trigger a Deeper Analysis

Please note this is still in Beta, so there may be bugs. 

2. New Lobby Messages
This feature is particularly handy for events which run over multiple days.

When you re-start your event after time away from the computer you need to know that your players are back online and ready to play. The recommended process is to withdraw all your players (or skip them all from the next round) and let the players self-manage their re-entry in the next game.

  • Players will see this message if they are ‘skipped’ from the next game

  • Players will see this message if they have been withdrawn from the event

All Lobby Messages can be found here.

3. Feature: Starting Soon message for players
When a player joins a game they cannot start playing until their Opponent is at the board. Players will now see this message over their chessboard:

The message disappears as soon as the opponent is connected and play can begin.

4. Navigation: Organisations page
We have a sexy new way of browsing through organisations with some images and trust metrics on each. There is also a verification process so organisers that are just ‘trying’ Tornelo will not be displayed.

In preparation for future improvements to your Organisation homepage, and to make it easier for players to contact you, please:

  • Go to your Org homepage …/chess/orgs/your-organisation
  • Click edit
  • Add a description, phone, email and website

We have a bit more work to go on the Fair Play feature, so any feedback you have would be most welcome! We will also continue improving your Organisation Homepage. Shortly we hope to start work on automating 3x repetition and 50-move draws.

As always, we’re keen to hear your feedback, feature requests or bug reports.

Kind regards,


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