This is the start of a huge overhaul in the way that we collect registrations from players into events. This new system can deal with the very complex world of registering:
- Individual players
- Family members
- Teams
This first release paves the way for Team Captains being able to update teams in the future, manage team compositions and much more.
We’ve presented yout the concept couple weeks ago. Let’s take a look at some of the changes that now have been implemented!
We are very happy to see that European Chess Union already chose to use our system for registration of their new European Cities & Towns Chess Championship.
Choose your own path
Sometimes you wish to register your children, sometimes you need to register a whole team of players – whether you are a captain, coach, teacher or a manager that day. And sometimes you want to enter just yourself and play for a change!

When registering ‘Other players’, you can choose from any database and players can view the event from their accounts. Options for ‘Family members’ and ‘Just you!’ will store registered player profiles under your account – they will belong to you.
Searching for players
Major improvements to how players are found – this will greatly reduce duplicate players.
In one field you can search for players by their:
- National ID
- Full name on Tornelo

You can browse through the search results until you find the match! For players new to Tornelo – you can create a new profile for them.
Players connected to your account are already waiting for you on the Registration list! But you can always add more or remove some.

Updating players details
Simple updates for simple entries!

Type the info in the fields, select from the drop down list and hit Next. Everything that is already on your profile will be pre-filled, effort free.
Complex updates for complex entries!

In-place editting in table view, bulk changes and usefull filters. The right-hand Summary will help you navigate through the process. Everything optimised to make the experience as smooth as possible.
We now support the ability for one person to create a team and other team members to join that team later on. Users can even create a PIN to prevent strangers from joining their team.

Lobby Registration page
The Registration list is readily available in the Event Lobby, any time you Sign-in!
Checkout all the data you’ve entred, lookup your team PIN or download a CSV table of Tokens and share it with players! No need for Arbiter tokens anymore.

How to register a team?
Take a peak! 2 minutes guide to share with your communit
Coming Soon
- Custom questions – giving the organizer an option to tailor the registration form to their needs.
- Split payments – allowing team managers to pay for the entire team, or send out multiple invoices to players so they can pay individually.
- Registration management – making changes in your registration details, adding or removing players an more.
- Saving registration list to your account – helps speed up and ease out the registration for all team managers.