Transparent reports, immediately

No black boxes. Our Fair Play report is always available in real-time. Keep track of players with exceptional performances and protect your tournament.

Build a healthy environment

We designed Tornelo to be to conducive to fair play. No anonymity, events led by a visible authority figure, promoting repeat interactions and supporting video supervision.
Build a healthy environment
We designed Tornelo to be to conducive to fair play. No anonymity, events led by a visible authority figure, promoting repeat interactions and supporting video supervision.
Safeguard your OTB events

Running over the boards events? Take advantage of our cheat detection system. Upload games in pgn and flag potential cheaters.

Confidence to make the right decisions

Confidence to make the right decisions
Request an official “Fair Play conclusion”. This may reduce your legal burden of liability on a decision, as well as give some assurance (or cast doubt).